Saturday, July 01, 2006

The Beginning

Good day, and thanks for checking in!

I'm Steeltown Mike - radio personality for WMBS radio in Uniontown, PA (590 AM on your dial), rabid Pittsburgh sports fan (sports in general, actually), podcaster, occasional contributer to, and very tired.

I've been inspired lately to start a blog after seeing some wonderful work out there, both on and other hosted sites with regards to Pittsburgh sports. And, considering my busy schedule, I find this to be an excellent way to throw out my thoughts on the little things that may not be worth mentioning in a podcast or broadcast.

If you're a blogger or podcaster and would like me to plug your blog/cast here on my page, just e-mail me at the address below this blog's banner.

Comments are not only welcome, they are virtually required.

Let the innanity begin.



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